Teaching and learning is what makes me excited for each day.

And I believe school should be the best we can make it! 

Let's use Positivity, Creativity, and EdTech to accomplish both! 

Monica Spillman

@mospillman on Twitter 

I love anything that involves creativity and learning. I dabble in sketchnoting, sewing, creating with Google tools, and other meaningful Ed tech. 

I've been a part of several things that just make me smile- some examples below.

Current credentials: Google Certified Educator and Trainer, Restorative Practices Trainer, COMP (Classroom Organization & Management Protocols) Facilitator for Hamilton County Schools, PEF STEM Fellow

Blog about my sketchnotes by "Teach Like a Pirate" DAVE BURGESS!

Video Wrap up: #PassTheSketchnote w/ @heckawesome (Carrie Baughcum)

Wrap up for 2nd Pass the Sketchnote on World Sketchnote Day! 1/11/2019

Podcast with EL expert, Carol Salva.
Fun Virtual Kick-Off Video for #Sketch50 2.0 in March 2018